Natural Way To EMF Protection: Top 8 Indoor Plants That Reduce EMF

The Chances are that you have a plant in your house somewhere. Nowadays plants are one of the staple ways to bring about a simple, yet classy upgrade to a home. You may have a herb garden or an aloe plant bringing some life to a work table. The truth is plants aren’t just a trendy way to upscale your home…
What’s the Connection Between Plants and EMF?
This might have you wondering, what is the connection between plants and EMF radiation? Well, it’s a pretty interesting one. After the Chernobyl disaster, with radiation levels at a record high, researchers planted sunflowers near the disaster site. After the Fukushima meltdown in Japan, another high-scale radiation disaster, they were planted again. Why? It can be explained because of a term called phytoremediation, which has been around for generations, which refers to how plants can remove toxicity from an environment.
Which must leave you wondering, if plants can help reduce nuclear radiation, can they help mitigate EMF radiation exposure?
Are There Plants That Reduce EMF? Plants and EMF
The truth is that we don’t really know for sure. There has been some research, but nothing definitive. The best answer we can give you is probably. However, there is evidence present suggesting that this could be true. Plants actually do a phenomenal job of removing toxins from the soil, water, and air.
Although plants may not serve at your front lines in battling EMF radiation, they have a place on the battlefield. Just like how using a smart EMF radiation meter cover, installing electricity filters, and moving over to incandescent bulbs may be small scale actions you are taking, plants are another field to explore.
How Exactly Do Plants Protect You?
As most of you know – thanks to elementary school science classes – plants gain nutrients through photosynthesis. They take in carbon dioxide from the air surrounding them and release oxygen as a by-product. Oxygen is critical because it removes any environmental toxins in a location, including EMF radiation!
To help protect you against EMF radiation, we have compiled a list of indoor plants that reduce EMF and the plants that we believe are the best for filtering out EMF radiation.
Our Recommendations on Plants That Reduce EMF
The Gerber Daisy is special because it was part of a NASA study: Plants for Indoor Pollution Abatement Study. It’s just a fancy way of saying: a study about which plant reduces the most pollution. The end result was that the Gerber Daisy is the most effective at removing toxins out of any other plant in the study!
Much like the sunflower, the Gerber Daisy is also highly dependent on sunlight. To make sure this plant stays healthy and keeps you healthy we recommend a spot near a south-facing window to maximize sunlight receiving potential. Taking care of this plant is easy. Whenever the first inch of the soil feels dry to the touch, it’s time to water the plant. Make sure you have a drainage system for your plant!
The Betel Leaf is very special because of its unique characteristics. It’s part of the same family as pepper and it’s edible too! Researchers in India studied the radioprotective properties of this leaf and discovered that it prevented DNA damage in the mitochondria in the liver of rats. No such study has been replicated in humans. However, because of similarities in biological structures in rats and humans, we can extrapolate that this plant does have protective properties!
However, we do acknowledge that this plant requires some effort to grow. We recommend that you use nitrogen-enriched organic material to fertilize this plant! The Betel Leaf thrives in tropical environments: a humid and well-lit room is a perfect fit. If this is not a possibility because your home is on the drier side, we recommend misting the plant. Make sure to do checks on the soil every day to ensure your plant doesn’t dry out. The best tip we can offer is to set reminders on your phone to check up on your plant and make sure it’s hydrated so you can stay healthy!
Mums were also part of the NASA plants for Indoor Pollution Abatement Study and it was found that Mums excel in removing environmental toxins. Like we mentioned before, EMF radiation was not a specific focus of the study but the research attests to the ability of Mums to filter out harmful toxins in the atmosphere.
Mums are known to traditionally be an outdoor plant but it is possible to grow them indoors. Simply take some clippings or even some bulbs and plant them in a pot. The plant produces flowers for six weeks, but the plant itself lives much longer.
The plus side of these plants is that Mums are low maintenance. The only thing they truly require is a solid drainage system and water once a week. A word of caution: when watering, be careful not to wet the leaves as fungus can develop.
Aloe is known as the holy grail of fixing all ailments alike. It’s known to treat sunburns, create smoother skin, and even aid in weight loss. Well, know it can serve as a natural monitor for unsafe levels of EMF radiation in your home! Talk about a versatile plant. If the aloe plant’s leaves start developing brown spots it shows that the air quality of your home is poor. It’s true that this could be because of many different reasons but EMF radiation is usually one of them.
The beginning of this article shows you how sunflowers can mitigate the fallout of nuclear disasters. So, it’s no surprise they have a spot on our list! The reason sunflowers are so successful is because they are hyperaccumulators. In other words, they are very effective at removing toxic particles, especially in water.
Normally sunflowers are outdoor plants, but growing them indoors is possible – although slightly tough. To make sunflowers successful in your home you will need a large pot to grow them in. That pot must be in an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight in a day. Artificial light could work but it produces EMF radiation defeating the purpose of your sunflower. Of course, another solution is to place your plant outside for a couple of hours if 6 hours in the house isn’t an option.
The sunflower is battle-tested! But we don’t recommend it unless you have the space to accommodate it. If you happen to live in a smaller house or apartment or don’t receive that much sunlight in a day, have no fear, we have more recommendations for you!
The Maidenhair Fern is also known as Adiantum and is a very beautiful plant. People have studied – albeit not extensively – this plant’s radiation absorption capabilities in electronics and have found that it is very effective! Setting it up in a home office, living room, or any room that has a high concentration of electronics is definitely recommended.
The Mother-in-Law’s Tongue sometimes referred to as the snake plant was also another one of the subjects in the NASA Plants for Indoor Pollution Abatement Study. It was revealed that this plant is very effective in absorbing radiation and also has protective characteristics to shield you against other environmental toxins.
This plant is succulent making it rather low maintenance since it requires minimal watering. It prefers dry environments making it critical not to overwater it. What’s wonderful about the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is that it is a versatile plant that is capable of surviving both in high or low light conditions. However, it prefers indirect sunlight. To make sure this plant stays healthy we recommend using soil that drains quickly and a pot with a good drainage system.
In a previous study done by NASA (not the Abatement one), it was revealed that the cactus is very effective in absorbing AND filtering EMF radiation. Studies show that it is very good at producing oxygen, especially during nighttime! This makes the cactus a perfect plant to have in your bedroom to filter out EMF radiation while you sleep or any room that houses most of the electronics at night. But make sure that your cactus is not a small tabletop decorator as that will prove to be relatively ineffective.
Much like the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, the cactus is also very easy to take care of. It only requires watering once every few weeks and a few tablespoons normally suffice. As with most plants, make sure the drainage system is solid.
Plants, Plants, and More Plants? Wait, How Many Plants Do You Really Need?
Before you go loading up your shopping cart with all the plants you can find it’s important to consider a few things. NASA recommends that one plant should be placed every one hundred square feet. For example, if you live in a 2,000 square foot home, you will probably need 20 plants that reduce EMF. A diverse collection of plants that suit the individual rooms in your house will reap the most benefits. If you prefer having a humidifier turned on in a room it may not be the best idea to have a Maidenhair Fern in that room. And also, if you aren’t keen on the idea of becoming a plant parent then consider having plants only in the room with the most electronics.
Concluding Thoughts
Although plants are not the ultimate solution, they are an important part of helping you reduce your EMF radiation exposure. You will still need other measures such as (and not limited to) an EMF radiation meter, Laptop pad, protective cell phone case, or wired internet but plants are definitely part of the plan. They will help reduce the radiation in your home and are a step in the right direction.
Moreover, we worked to ensure that the plants on our list are relatively easy to take care of given many people’s busy lives. Along with protecting you from radiation, these plants will produce oxygen (increasing the air circulation in your house), boost your mood, and hopefully make caring for them an enjoyable activity.
We hope that you consider adding plants to your arsenal of protective measures in reducing EMF radiation in your home and continue staying informed & safe!