EMF Shielding Paint: The Full Guide To Blocking Radition

EMF radiation is a commonly known carcinogenic. Yet, it’s a by-product of utilities we need for daily living. You might be seeking ways to protect yourself from such emissions. And that’s a necessary step for healthy living. But you need a solution that’s long-term.
After all, it’s not just your devices that emit radiation. Devices owned by others have an effect on you too. They include neighbor devices, and nearby power lines (source). So what’s the best long-term setup for blocking EMF? That would be EMF shielding paint.
Quick Overview
Shielding paint blocks EMF radiation moving through your home. And how much you block out depends on the coating thickness, brand, and location. You may opt to paint a single wall (blocking radiation from a single direction). Or, you may choose to paint all the walls of your room (effectively shutting off all radiation).
Radiation Frequency.
EMF paint’s quality is gauged by the frequencies it blocks. As for radiation range, this has to do with manufacturer specifications. As a rule, you should avoid shielding paint that blocks less than 300Hz. The higher the blocking range, the better.
(Side Note): We recommend seeking shielding paint that blocks the subtypes of EMF radiation. That is, the paint should specify if RF and ELF radiation are also blocked out. Also, we recommend paint that can work outdoors (example). It’s a measure where you can add a coating in and outdoors for extra protection.
Does Shielding Paint Come With Drawbacks?
Yes. Often times, the shielding paint will affect the transmission of device signals in your home. This applies specifically to Wi-Fi signals. And the stronger the shielding paint, the more likely you’ll experience problems.
Top 7 Shielding Paint Brands
You probably need examples for comparison. You need to sift through multiple products, seeing how each brand differs. Plus, your purchase priorities differ from others. You may be a budget buyer, seeking OK quality. Or, you might be seeking high-quality insulation from EMF radiation.
In that case, the guide below can help. But before we get started…
Average Market Price
EMF paint can be costly. Expect a bucket that contains 5 liters to cost $200 on average. Thus, it’s necessary to ensure that you get a product that delivers as promised.
So to start off…
(1) Yshield EMF paint
Yshield is an old brand. It has been around for many years, so expect reliability. What’s good about this brand is the added metal particles. And this minimizes the risk of oxidation, which may ruin your paint. The manufacturer claims the effectiveness of 99.98% in blocking EMF radiation (when you apply one layer). With a 2nd layer, expect the effectiveness of 99.995%.
Additionally, the paint is water-resistant. This makes it effective when cleaning walls. It also makes the EMF protection spill-resistant. The paint’s chemicals lack any harsh chemicals. The base ingredients include water, black carbon, and graphite. This makes it child-friendly. It’s also friendly to those with breathing problems. Not to mention, it’s environmentally-friendly when used outdoors.
Besides, it’s a low-odor paint. So it won’t cause a smell after application. And you can move back fast into your home after application.
Usage Notes
This paint is easy to apply (you don’t need a specialist’s help). You can spray it, apply it with a brush, or even apply it by the roll. The only issue to be noted is the color. This paint is used as a primer and it’s black. So it’s difficult to cover up, requiring multiples layers to be added afterward. You may need a specialist’s help in that situation. Plus, note that you’ll need a multi-day renovation job to fully coat your walls.
Finally, let’s not forget the price tag. 5-liter buckets cost $300. And the 1 liter costs only $79.
(2) Woremore Paint
Woremore paint is similar to Yshield. However, it has a pure silicate-based paint that blocks frequencies up to 18 GHz. It has an effectiveness of 99.89% after applying one layer. With a 2nd, you can reach 99.995%. The rest of the paint’s qualities are similar to Yshield. It has a similar black color, in addition to water-resistance. The 5 Liter bucket costs $269.69, and the one-liter jug costs $79.99.
(3) CuPro-Cote Paint
This brand is a bit different from the previous one. It relies on copper as an ingredient (where the previous two are carbon reliant). CuPro-Code pain does come with the advantage of easy application. You can apply the paint via brush, roller or spray. Just note that it has a glittery copper color that isn’t easy to cover. Quality-wise, it blocks frequencies from 30MHz to 1.5 GHz. And it’s affordable, where a gallon costs $615. Plus, it’s latex-based, which means that it’s non-hazardous.
Usage Notes
The paint looks good when it’s applied. But it’s known to dry super-fast. And this may make using it a hassle. Many complain of the paint drying on the brush mid-painting. So, you have to ensure that you apply the paint correctly, and with a lid on the bucket.
(4) MG Chemicals SuperShield
MG Chemicals SuperShield paint is designed for small spaces. It works well in electronic enclosures, such as small offices or computer rooms. However, you can use it for home interior walls. This specific brand blocks frequencies ranging from 10MHz to 1.8GHz. And this makes it ideal for blocking the RF range. It’s also acrylic-based and is made with a nickel coating. Plus, it has a solid silver-grey color. The 250 grams cost $32.95.
Care is needed when using this brand. It’s known that cleaning brushes after using the paint are difficult. For that reason, we recommend the use of disposable brushes instead. Also, be sure to put drip cloth on the ground. The reason being, removing paint from the floor can be an issue as well.
(5) Ecos EMR Paint
Ecos EMR Shielding paint is non-toxic. Also, it’s odor-free. This makes it excellent if you’re sensitive to the odor’s paint. It’s also VOC-free, and it uses nickel (which shields well from radiation). In terms of color, it has a dark- grey hue. But it’s easy to cover up with regular Ecos wall paint. This product has been tested thoroughly. It’s known to block 99% of the radiation from 900 to 1800 MHz range.
It costs $399.95 for one gallon, plus it’s available for a $109.95 per quart (if you’re seeking a small-sized bottle).
(6) ShieldON EMF Paint
ShieldON brand was built for smaller spaces. It blocks 99.995% radiation with a single layer, and a 99.98% with a double layer. The paint repels frequencies up to 18GHz. Plus, it has a matte black color. Despite the dark color, it’s easy to cover up. All that’s needed is a single layer of any paint that’s latex-based.
This is a water-based product. So it’s easy to mix, and it’s ideal for indoor and outdoor paint jobs. Also, the paint can fight off the corrosion on metal surfaces. With this brand, any painted layer turns into a water-resistant surface. And you get that for $259 (which gets you 4 liters).
(7) Tachyon StarDust
Tachyoon brand can change any paint to an EMF shielding type. It is designed to be mixed with other types of paint. This type is cheaper than normal EMF paints. And you can cut costs further by mixing it with normal paint. After reaching a desirable ratio, you can roll or spray the paint on a wall.
Note that you’ll need a mixing machine for the proper distribution of paint in the new solution. Beyond that, you have much liberty in an application. You can choose whether to apply the paint as a basecoat, or as the top layer on wall paint.
Usage Tips
If you’re mixing this brand with regular paint, be sure to get an EMF meter. You’ll want to measure EMF penetration after setting a layer. From there, you can add additional layers to get the desirable EMF blockage.
The paint ingredients are sodium oxide, aluminum oxide, and silicon dioxide. The paint costs $173.83 for a 16 OZ bottle (which is enough for mixing with a normal gallon of paint). The golden ratio is one bottle per normal gallon paint.
Grounding the Paint
It’s an extra step that goes beyond painting the surface. EMF shielding paint is conductive (has metals that transmit electricity). So you need to ground it to ensure safety. Plus, grounding is a necessity for compliance with building codes. Before applying the paint, we recommend placing a grounding strap next to the surface being painted. And if the wall has an electric outlet, then keep it close to the outlet (if you’re 1-2 inches away from it).
You are going to need a grounding plate for installation after your paint is laid down. For optimal results, we recommend getting the plates and paint from the same company (Y Shield is a good example). Usually, installation requires a licensed electricians help (as this minimizes the risk of electrocution). You also need to check any regulations (or disapprovals) in the building you’re operating on.
Testing the EMF Shielding Paint After Application
Applying the paint isn’t all there is to protect your walls. You still need to check the effectiveness of each layer. This is accomplished by using an EMF meter. You can use it to gauge EMF exposure per room. And that’ll give you an idea of how safeguarded you are.
TriField TF2 is the one to try. It costs $170, but it’s effective because it detects magnetic, radiofrequency and electric field radiation. Plus, it’ll help you detect both RF and ELF-EMF radiation inside your house.
Using an EMF Meter
After finding the ideal gadget, you need a measuring routine. You’ll need to take a reading before and after applying the paint. Start by taking a reading on your wall before adding the first layer. With each layer, take a reading after said layer dries. If the paint is effective, you should notice a successive drop in readings. If it isn’t, then you either didn’t use enough – or you’re operating with a low-quality brand.
An additional use for EMF meters is room comparison. You can use your EMF meter to check areas with the highest levels of radiation. From there, you can add extra safeguards to areas with high readings.
What if I Want to Shop for EMF Meters?
Then try this (source). You can use it to compare multiple EMF meters, picking what suits your needs best.
Finishing Notes
You don’t need to coat every inch of your house in shielding paint. Doing that isn’t recommended, as it can disturb signal transmission in your home (for phone calls, incoming internet, etc.). You might see much interference in the signal if you’re not next to your Wi-Fi source. And in that case, we recommend switching to a wired internet connection.
It’s a precautionary step. But by switching to wired internet, you develop a habit of guarding yourself against radiation sources. Plus, wired internet has many advantages that wireless internet lacks (source). Wired internet is faster than wireless. It’s also less prone to signal instructions (unless transmissions lines are directly disturbed). They also minimize your need for a paint job. The only problem with wired internet is the infrastructure. You often need a professional to install a home Ethernet system.
Plus, you’ll need a way to deliver the Ethernet throughout the house (through in-wall cables). Doing so often requires a full home renovation. So we recommend you plan both an Ethernet installation and EMF painting in similar timeframes.
Electrocution Risks
When applying EMF paint, don’t forget to use grounding pads. The paint often contains metallic additions to block out the radiation. And this can lead to electrocution risks.
In Conclusion
Prolonged EMF radiation is dangerous to your health. It’s carcinogenic, plus it leads to a variety of other health problems. Using EMF shielding paint is an excellent protective solution. It’s long-lasting and relatively inexpensive (long-term). Plus, it’s easy. You won’t invest much daily thought into safeguarding yourself. The paint should do the job for you!