EMF Filter: Best Way To Prevent Dirty Electricity At Home

What is Dirty Electricity?
Firstly, it is important to know what dirty electricity is. Dirty electricity is one of the most dangerous types of pollution caused by Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation. It involves low-frequency electromagnetic fields as well as radiofrequency radiation and usually occurs when a house contains other frequencies asides the normal frequency rate of 60Hz (in Europe, it’s 50Hz).
There are various sources of dirty electricity such as electrical wiring, plumbing, from the ground, and also a good number of electrical appliances. In the past, this was not a problem as the initial plan for all electrical appliances was for them to draw the same amount and type of power.
However, when they started demanding more power this led to inconsistent power usage which led to dirty electricity residing in the wiring and spreading electromagnetic (EMF) radiation
You can create dirty electricity either by higher voltage of AC power, converting the standard 60Hz AC power to a low-voltage DC, or by pulling power irregularly in short intervals by alternatively switching the electrical current off and on, and also be caused by refrigerators, televisions, microwave ovens, blenders and mixers, printers and scanners.
Taking Care of the Problem
The first step to take is the installation of filters for dirty electricity. Its user can do this at odd points in its user’s home. Your use of dirty electricity filters reduces EMF levels in its home by decreasing the levels of dirty electricity present. You can plug a few filters into any outlets in the home and filter all the electricity running through that circuit. You can connect the other filters directly to the circuit breaker and they offer protection for the entire house.
No matter the filter used, it offers protection by filtering all the EMF radiation present in the home. If you’re sensitive to electromagnetic materials, it is the best.
EMF Filter To Minimize Dirty Electricity
Many dirty electricity filters are available for purchase. Before you install an EMF filter at home, consider researching to assess which filter is best for your home. To help you in this endeavor, we have come up with a list of recommended emf filters to your home based on the product reviews, pricing, and features. While researching, I come up with few trusted brands with top rating s ranging from Greenwave to Stetzerizer.
If you’re looking to outfit your home with dirty electricity filters, read on to learn more.
Which EMF Filters Are Best for Its user’s Home?
According to extensive research done on dirty electricity filters as well as webpages and shopping sites searched, we have looked extensively at the product description and reviews which have helped to rank them accordingly. The most popular names in the world of dirty electricity filters are the Stetzerizer filter system and the GreenWave dirty electricity filtration system. There are other names and brands which are very effective in filtering EMF radiation in homes.
This is not numbered according to the rank of the filter:
1. Stetzerizer High-Frequency Electromagnetic Pollution Filter
They are a means of changing dirty electricity into quality power. They are usually used to filter out EMF radiation within the range of 4 to 150HHz which is the most dangerous level of radiation that exists.
As the human body is electrical, the cells, tissues, and organs all communicate with one another using electrical signals and currents. Any dirty electricity currents interfere with the natural ones of the body and make the body prone to diseases.
Stetzerizer filters are normally plug-in filters. The drawback of this is that these filters do not come with attached built-in filters. An option is to install the filter in one outlet in the house and plug in a surge protector box which creates more outlet space.
Depending on the size of its user’s house, the number of required devices will vary. The manufacturers of this product state that three (3) filters are enough for most rooms. Based on the number of EMF-producing devices, its user may use more than three (3) filters. A micro surge can also be used to check if the use of additional filters is necessary.
Using this product is going to cause an extension of the lifespan of all its user’s devices due to the high-quality electricity it produces. You should know that the majority of the users have stated that they have felt relief from EMF radiation-related illnesses such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and agitation.
2. GreenWave Dirty Electricity Filters
These are also plug-in devices. The recommended installation is for at least a filter in each room of the house. A larger room that has a lot of EMF radiation may need more than one filter. If its user has a home office, he/she may need at least three (3) filters. The purchase of a kit for a three-bedroom home comes with at least sixteen (16) filters which cost about $450.
The packaging of GreenWave filters can be either individual filters or a pack of filters. They do not affect the standard frequency rate of 50 or 60 Hz. An advantage of using this filter is that it has a built-in outlet at the bottom so using it will not eliminate the outlet space. Its user can also use a surge protector especially if its user is connecting it to a computer or TV.
One of the main reasons a lot of customers use this product is because of the company which manufactures it. The company has a solid record for producing quality products which in turn deliver good quality services. True to form, a GreenWave filter reduces the level of dirty electricity present in its user’s home by a very significant amount.
3. Noxtak Stroom Master EMF Protection Dirty Electricity Filter
Your filter comes as a plug-in filter that also comes with its built-in filter which allows for another device to be plugged into it and comes with an integrated 15A (15 Amperes) surge protector which protects all devices safe from high currents in addition to its protection against dirty electricity.
It comes with an LED indicator on/off light which informs its user of the filter’s functionality. Your LED indicator has a disadvantage which is that EMF radiation is produced by this LED light. The manufacturers recommend that at least there is an installed filter for every 194 square feet of the home.
If you have a 1500 square feet apartment, you will need a total of eight (8) filters. He or She should also place it close to a WiFi router or any other high EMF radiation-emitting device.
Even though it reduces dirty electricity, it does not block wireless signals. This is done using nanotechnology which produces a protective magnetic field. It lets wireless signals and frequencies to pass through.
It can be purchased from $85 but it is hard to find.
4. Satic Power Perfect Box
Unlike most dirty electricity filters, this product is capable of protecting its user’s entire house instead of one outlet. You can connect your Satic Power Perfect Box to the house’s main power supply and is installed by an electrician. It may be a bit expensive, going for about $1000 but it is worth it as it saves energy too.
Satic Power Perfect Box can also act as a surge protector for the entire house. It can create a better television watching experience as it is suitable for people who are sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies radiation.
Satic Power Perfect Box can be used in houses with numerous circuit breakers which all converge into one circuit breaker. You may need a lot of filters that may be required here but this saves the cost of purchasing and installing each of them.
5. Satic Pure Power Plug-in
A single unit of this product is enough to power the entire house (or circuit, as the case may be). This filter has a built-in outlet allowing the user to plug other devices into it. It also acts as a surge protector and reduced electronic interference levels. This results in safer electronic use as well as quality service delivery.
Unlike the Satic’s Power Perfect Box which goes for larger spaces, the Pure Power Plug-in can be used by those with a few circuits. It also helps to reduce energy consumption.
All your devices protected by this product are noted to be more efficient in their operation. This helps the device or appliance work better and last longer.
Its method of protection means that it will protect its user from all EMF radiations and not produce any radiation. It may be expensive to purchase but its numerous benefits are worth the cost.
Make Sure EMF Filter Works As Desired
No matter which filters its user selects, they need to know how to test and ensure its working ability to enhance filtration. The way this can be done is by use of a dirty frequency meter. Most filters come with their meters such as the GreenWave and Stetzerizer filters. Neither option is better than another but it is a preference of most people to use meters and filters from the same manufacturer.
Using this is simple, just plug it into a power outlet and record its reading. After doing this, plug the dirty electricity source into the same outlet and then repeat the reading. Do this for at least two (2) more times and the meter will tell if it is in the “safe” range. If it does not show this sign, this could mean that the filter is not doing its job efficiently. If it’s possible, add another filter and test it till it falls into the “safe” range.
Using a dirty electricity meter is the most effective way of checking the filter’s functionality. Your EMF meter can also be used to detect and measure extra-low frequency (ELF) EMF radiation.
EMF Filter Alternatives
You can get a filter for its user’s home or get one for your body. You can use the latter option called EMF protection clothing and they come in a range of designs and styles. If you’re exposed to any levels of EMF radiation, it is very dangerous in the long run. Certain things can increase personal EMF radiation levels such as the use of a wired headset, use of Bluetooth earphones (or Apple Airpods), use of MiFi (Personal WiFi devices), or use of WiFi routers.
What are EMF Protection Clothing and How Do They Work?
Due to the high levels of EMF levels a person is exposed to every day, there are items designed to reduce EMF radiation levels such as router guard cages or bags, RF-shielding smart covers for phones, and EMF protection clothing, etc. In as much as its user takes preventive measures to reduce EMF radiation levels in its user’s home, its user cannot use these measures outside as there are other sources outside. You can use EMF protection clothing to come in; they are designed to offer personal protection no matter where its user wants to go.
It shields key areas of the human body such as the brain, lungs, reproductive organs, and heart. You can make it using different materials. All your EMF protective clothing can be made by blending silver, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, nickel, with more traditional fabrics such as nylon, cotton, and/or polyester.
However, there are a few people who are allergic to nickel clothing so the most preferable is silver stainless steel. Any EMF protection clothing does not have more than 15% of the metal material.
EMF clothing is very effective at reducing certain frequencies which directly reduce the overall body’s exposure to EMF radiation. It blocks out up to 99.9% of EMF radiation, this depends on the number of decibels it has.
The higher the decibel number, the greater the protection level will be. 10 decibels has a 90% reduction. 20 decibels has a 99% reduction. 30 decibels has a 99.9% reduction. 40 decibels has a 99.99% reduction. 50 decibels, there is a 99.999% reduction. You should get an article that contains 20 decibels or higher for maximum protection. The normal range is between 25 to 50 decibels.
Final Thoughts
Over the years, the threat levels of dirty electricity have significantly increased. This is mainly due to the use of appliances that draw more energy than before and use light bulbs. Solar energy can also cause large amounts of dirty electricity present in homes. To avoid them is impossible.
However, EMF filters have created a way of reducing dirty electricity while allowing us to use our modern appliances. With the proper installation of a filtration method, there is a significant decrease in present amounts of dirty electricity and EMF radiation.
Use an emf filter to reduce dirty electricity in its user’s home. They may be expensive but the health of its users and their family is important.